The Call of the Snake
Author : Rahul Alvares
155 pages | Paperback
Section Sewing with Perfect Binding
About the Book
The simple one-syllable word ‘snake’ readily conjures up waves of terror in the hearts of most people. Here’s a book that will help you change your mind – and successfully treat your inherited fears – about these creatures. The Call of the Snake contains consummate little stories about snakes written by one of Goa’s better known snake handlers, while on his snake-catching rounds.
Related with a fine sense of humour and with great attention to detail, the stories will teach you a lot about these reptiles while also keeping you wholly enthralled and entertained. After you have read and enjoyed them, you will see snakes differently forever; as friends and not as mortal enemies. The book contains, in addition, critically useful information about snakes and how you can survive a venomous snake bite.